Saturday, October 7, 2017
Will miss my (until several days ago) only living blood related Aunt. Remember her as an avid tennis player who played until she at was least 85. Will remember
Thanksgivings that I spent at her residence at Cathedral Village (When I was in New York area). My first faint memories of Dorothy were at family gatherings at my Grandmother's or at my great-aunt Toura's. I also vaguely recollect that she and her husband Harry were in the same bridge club as my mother and father in
Akron. In sum, she was a both a kind and intelligent individual who raised three intelligent children and numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She
had a sense of humor as displayed at her grandchild Elizabeth's wedding (when I asked her several times if she would like a drink). She replied "Are you trying to get me drunk?"
Robert "Bob" Good